The use of Human Resources in a firm
March 10, 2020
March 10, 2020

History essay

History essay
After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways. However, industrialization also created problems for American society. Consider events that took place after the Civil War and ways that industrialization affected the U.S. between 1865 and 1920.

For this assignment you will create a 10-15 slide powerpoint presentation. (Title slide and reference slides DO NOT count in slide total). Your presentation will focus on social, economic, and political changes brought about by industrialization.

Instructions: Explain a minimum of 3 economic changes, 3 social changes, and 3 political changes caused by industrialization.


Your presentation must include primary images (sourced), bullet points and headings on slides, and explanation of those bullet points and headings in the Speaker Notes. DO NOT just write paragraphs on the actual slides. Slides should contain the bulleted points and headings of main ideas etc., but all explanation should be in the Speaker notes and properly cited.
Sources: You must use 3 source IN ADDITION to the textbook – so four sources are required in total. (counting the textbook). These are content sources and do not count where you got your images, although you should cite your images as well.

Please organize your presentation as follows:

Slide 1: Title Slide

Slide 2: Introduction slide (like an intro in a paper). Must have a thesis statement.

Next section (will be multiple slides): Economic changes caused by Industrialization

Next section (will be multiple slides): Social changes caused by industrialization

Next section (will be multiple slides): political changes caused by industrialization

Conclusion slide – wrap up the entire presentation

References slides
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