People Resourcing
May 7, 2020
Statistics Project, Statistics.
May 7, 2020

History Casablanca (1942)

Discussion questions to answer regarding the film that you chose: Film: Casablanca (1942) 1. Give a brief synopsis of the film in your own words. This is the equivalent of a log line or pitch line in a Hollywood meeting. I do know how to read IMDB, etc (I worked in Hollywood for a number of years), so please do this by actually watching the film and putting it in your own words. If I find that you have copied or plagiarized this answer, you will get NO CREDIT FOR THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT. (In fact if I discover that any portion of your answers are copied you will get zero points, period. That goes for responses as well). 2. What era that we have studied does this film correlate to? What is the film trying to say about this period? (Example: is this making a statement about racial relations? or Vietnam? etc.). Also, is this film made in the era that it is trying to portray? In other words, is the film contemporary or historical? If it is made in that era, is it trying to change things or is it just reflecting that era? If it is historical, is there something that it is trying to emphasize about that era? (Example, Mad Men really emphasized how women were treated in that era, something that most women had forgotten or find hard to believe in this era). 3. Look at gender roles, racial relations and other social/cultural conflicts, what does this film say or is it trying to say. How does it reflect the era? 4. Is the film allegorical in nature and if so, explain. If it isn’t, does the film illustrate a conflict and a solution, or does it just reflect the time period. 5. Are the conflicts in the film, still representative today? If not, how have things changed, and have these conflicts disappeared or evolved? 6. Explain how this film helped to understand the era that it covers in a different or better (or worse) way than what you have read in the lecture or the book. 7. Evaluate the film in two ways: 1. How was it as a film? Could you recommend it to others, was it worth watching? 2. Would you recommend using this film in a class to teach American History, and if so, how would you recommend that it be used.


Alive the 1972 story of the plane crash in the Andes

Please write a review of this movie
Alive the 1972 story of the plane crash in the Andes
It is not a descriptive review, it is a review related to leadership. Write about the leadership aspect that is shown in the movie with the characters and leadership features and connect these features with leadership theory and what you can learn from this movie.
It is all about leadership.

This is the link to watch the movie: