An essay about the book “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr
June 20, 2020
Ruling Well in the Real World
June 20, 2020


Chapter 7

1. Name the stages in which data quality errors found in a health record most commonly occur.
2. What are the steps in the quality improvement model, and how is benchmarking involved?
3. What agency is focused on developing the scientific evi- dence used in decision making?
4. When should a histogram be used to display data?
5. How do performance improvement and risk management relate to database management?
6. Identify the tools that could be used when a group needs to develop new ideas or organize the performance improvement project.
7. How would an organization examine its internal perfor- mance under ORYX?
8. How is information collected in the Compare reports for hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies?
9. During what stage of the utilization review process is the appropriateness of the admission assessed?
10. Why is it important to have accurate and clear documentation of the patientâ??s discharge status?

Chapter 8

1. How is a population different from a sample for statistical purposes? 2. What is the difference between morbidity and mortality rates?
3. Identify the steps involved in collecting mortality statistics from the local to the federal level, the sources of data, and how the statistics are typically presented.
4. What is the general pattern that guides the construction of rate formula?
5. In presenting graphical data, why is it necessary to set the y-axis at zero?
6. List four types of commonly used graphs and discuss the unique aspect of each.
7. Explain how a research study could be statistically reliable while lacking validity.
8. What is the value of labor analytics? 9. Describe how a process capability ratio diagram can help with scenarios found in an HIM department.
10. What is the Pareto principle?