Global Economy Context: U.S. & International Health Care Markets
July 14, 2020
Describe the positioning for the following brands: Wendy’s, the Chevy Volt,, Twitter, and Coca-Cola
July 14, 2020

Healthcare Organizations

Change is the theme of Week Five. Mark Twain is said to have uttered the following about change, It’s not the progress I mind, it’s the change I don’t like. Utilizing the Ashford Online Library and other web-based resources, identify and describe two healthcare organizations that have instituted transformational changes to promote/create learning organizations. In a four- to- five- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) evaluate the changes by addressing these seven key questions:

  • What were the problems/issues that led to the change or the needs for change?
  • Who were the various stakeholders involved in the change?
  • What time frame was involved in the change process?
  • What financial resources were allocated for the change?
  • What issues surfaced during the change process?
  • What is/are the outcomes of the change?
  • Are there institutional lessons learned from the change process?

Your assignment must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Utilize a minimum of four -to six scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources and cite these sources according to the current APA style guidelines.