Health professionals, knowledge, attitudes and experiences on implementing smoking ban policy in emergency department in four emergency departments in

Importance of Theory: Guidelines with Scoring Rubric
August 28, 2020
Life Course Theory_Application of Human Development Theories
August 28, 2020

Health professionals, knowledge, attitudes and experiences on implementing smoking ban policy in emergency department in four emergency departments in

Health professionals, knowledge, attitudes and experiences on implementing smoking ban policy in emergency department in four emergency departments in Sydney South West Area Health Service (SSWAHS).

Assessment 1:
Proposal – Introduction to inquiry Weighting: 40% Word count: 2000 words

This assessment requires you to write a proposal using a collaborative inquiry approach that identifies an issue in your specific area of work or practice.

The issue/topic:Health professionals, knowledge, attitudes and experiences on implementing smoking ban policy in emergency department in four emergency departments in Sydney South West Area Health Service (SSWAHS).

Write your research proposal using the following structure:
Give your proposal a title and use the following headings (in bold) to structure and write your proposal.

The introduction includes:
• Rationale and justification for the proposed study
• Clarification of assumptions and definitions of terms where appropriate
• Concepts and variables are clearly identified and defined
• Potential significance of the study to nursing practice and evidence based practice
Literature Review: The literature review provides a background of information including a review of relevant and current literature related to the research question you wish to answer.
Research Problem: This comprises the problem/issue and the research questions and/or hypotheses you wish to investigate and the aims of the study.
Note: All work must be appropriately referenced.

Make sure the essay have the following:
• Title
• Statement of the identified problem and knowledge/practice gap
• A description of the context of the proposed study
• A justification for the research
• An explanation of the methodology that will be utilised
• The key research question(s)
• A description of the expected contribution of the research findings to current knowledge
• Time-frame of the study and resources that will be required to complete the study
• References

Assessment 2: Proposal – Plan of inquiry Weighting: 60% Word count: 3000 words

Based on your work for Assessment one, this assessment requires you to develop the research plan of inquiry. Please use the headings (in bold) to structure this second part of your proposal.

Methodology: This is an explanation and justification of the methodology chosen and the methods to be used to investigate the problem/clinical issue.

Design: The design comprises detail of and justification of your chosen research design.
Population and sampling plan: The population and sampling plan should identify who you will be investigating and how you will access that population. Strategies for recruitment of the target group and retention of the group until the end of the study will be important to consider in this proposal.

Data collection and procedures: Explain how you are going to collect the data and what are you going to collect to be able to answer your question. Validity, reliability or rigour requires a brief description of how you will ensure that issues of reliability, validity or rigour will be addressed.

Data analysis: This section requires a description of how you intend to analyse the collected data.

Ethical considerations: The ethical conduct of research is extremely important and therefore for this assessment you are required to briefly describe the ethical issues that may arise in your proposed research and discuss how these will be managed.

Time-frame: A proposed study management plan to reflect the proposed stages, elements and timeframes of the study (for example: a Gantt chart).

Note: All work must be appropriately referenced.