The HP2020 data on overw
I chose this topic because I find no advantage in being overweight; it is all wrong, especially the associated lifestyle diseases. Considering the health belief model (Orji, Vasilleva&Mandryk, 2012), I would say I am at the construct of perceived effectiveness. I have figured out and realized that there are benefits in engaging in a protective behavior. I have already taken the required action to prevent the events that may cause the condition (obesity). In essence, I am also stepping on the construct of self-efficacy since I have believed in my ability to prevent the condition through a change in lifestyle and adherence to the schedule. Also, considering the health behavior model, I have reached the maintenance construct because I have been controlling my diet for more than six months.
HP2020. (2014). Nutrition and weight status. Retrieved from
Orji, R., Vasilleva, J., &Mandryk, R. (2012). Towards an effective health interventions design: An extension of the health belief model. The Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, (4)3, 1-39. DOI: 10.5210/ojphi.v4i3.4321.