Haploid strain of neurospora of genotype

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April 27, 2020

Haploid strain of neurospora of genotype

1. A cross is made between a haploid strain of Neurospora of genotype nic+ adand another haploid strain of nic ad+.  From this cross, a total of 1000 linear asci are isolated and characterized as in the following table.  Map the ad and nic loci in relation to centromeres and to each other.

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic+  ad+

nic+  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad

nic  ad+

nic  ad+

nic  ad

nic  ad+








2. The X-linked orange gene has two alleles, O and o. These two are codominant, in that homozygous or hemizygous cats for o have the normal black pigment in their fur, while homozygotes or hemizygotes for Ohave the black pigment converted to orange. Heterozygotes are mosaics with patches of orange and black (known as tortie or calico).A mating between an orange female cat and a black male cat produces a male kitten who is a mosaic of black and orange fur. In one sentence, explain how this happened.