Nursing-sensitive indicator
October 9, 2020
Health Informatics
October 9, 2020

Hand Hygiene in Nursing

Hand Hygiene in Nursing

1. The literature demonstrates a number of factors that can influence nurses’ adherence to appropriate hand hygiene techniques.
Auditing Hand Hygiene Practice(includes abstract); Gould, D; Nursing Standard, 2010 Sep 15-21; 25 (2): 50-6 (journal article) ISSN: 0029-6570 PMID: 20949824 CINAHL AN: 2010827758

Determinants of good adherence to hand hygiene among healthcare workers who have extensive exposure to hand hygiene campaigns.(includes abstract); Sax H; Uckay I; Richet H; Allegranzi B; Pittet D; Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 2007 Nov; 28 (11): 1267-74

Effectiveness of an audible reminder on hand hygiene adherence.Fakhry, Morkos; Hanna, George B.; Anderson, Oliver; Holmes, Alison; Nathwani, Dinesh; American Journal of Infection Control, 2012 May; 40 (4): 320-3 (journal article – pictorial, research, tables/charts) ISSN: 0196-6553 PMID: 21917355 CINAHL AN: 2011531671

Hand hygiene. Lusardi G; Nursing Management – UK, 2007 Oct; 14 (6) 26-33

Hand-washing compliance goes from 33% to 95%: steering team of key players drives process. Healthcare Benshmarks& Quality Improvement, 2010 Jan; 17 (1) 5-6 ISSN: 1541-1052 PMID: 20121007 CINAHL AN: 201054030

Hand hygiene rates benchmarked.Australian Nursing Journal, 2012 Apr; 19 (9): 6 (journal article – brief item) ISSN: 1320-3185 CINAHL AN: 2011514245 Database: CINAHL with Full Text

Impact of a mandatory infection control education program on nosocomial acquisition of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Lee TC; Moore C; Raboud JM; Muller MP; Green K; Tong A; Dhaliwal J; McGeer A; Mount Sinai Hospital Infection Control Team; Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 2009 Mar; 30 (3): 249-56 (journal article – research, tables/charts, teaching materials) ISSN: 0899-823X PMID: 19199825 CINAHL AN: 2010220404

Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient careGould DJ; Moralejo D; Drey N; Chudleigh JH; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2010 (9) (journal article – research, systematic review) ISSN: 1469-493X CINAHL AN: 2009825299

A novel educational programme to improve knowledge regarding health care-associated infection and hand hygieneFitzpatrick, Maureen; Everett-Thomas, Ruth; Nevo, Igal; Shekhter, Ilya; Rosen, Lisa F; Scheinman, Stephen R; Arheart, Kristopher L; Birnbach, David J; International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2011 Jun; 17 (3): 269-74 (journal article – research, tables/charts) ISSN: 1322-7114 PMID: 21605267 CINAHL AN: 2011061170
Nurses tops on hand hygiene.Lamp, 2011; 68 (8): 11 (journal article – brief item) ISSN: 0047-3936 CINAHL AN: 2011356497 Database: CINAHL with Full Text
Online Learning to Improve Hand Hygiene Knowledge and Compliance Among HealthCare Workers.(includes abstract); Alemagno SA; Guten SM; Warthman S; Young E; Mackay DS; Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 2010 Oct; 41 (10): 463-71 (journal article – research, tables/charts) ISSN: 0022-0124 CINAHL AN: 2010837670

Use proven strategies for MRSA in your ED. ED Nursing, 2008 Feb; 11 (4): 44-6 (journal article) ISSN: 1096-4304 CINAHL AN: 2009808770