Haematology ABX pentra 120 case study. (2,000 words + table).

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Haematology ABX pentra 120 case study. (2,000 words + table).

Haematology ABX pentra 120 case study. (2,000 words + table).

1. Critically appraise the impact of laboratory automation in diagnostic and research biomedical sciences from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
2. Discuss the operational features that are required for successful automation.
3. Undertake a cost benefit analysis of the introduction of automation.

Please see the attached document for the full details.

i have has attached other articles which contain more information about the case study and needs to be incorporated into the Essay.

The cost benefit needs to be in a table format.

2000 wards for the case study thats includes executive summary , 475 wards for the table