Group International Expansion Report and Presentation

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August 22, 2020
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August 22, 2020

Group International Expansion Report and Presentation

Group International Expansion Report and Presentation
Order Description
You have been asked by the CEO of a major Australian Bank to advise them on their strategy formulation for International expansion.
The company has developed a reputable brand in the Australian and New Zealand markets and is now looking for suitable acquisitions and strategic partnerships in foreign markets in order to grow their business.
The markets that they are currently assessing for entry are France, Brazil and Korea.
You are required to assess the attractiveness of each market and put forward recommendations for future action.
This assignment may be completed in groups of 4-5 students.
A 15 minute presentation will be delivered in class in week 11 by each group. All students are expected to present.
A limit of 1700 words overall (plus or minus 10%) is to be strictly observed.
Your report must include formal title page and Holmes assignment coversheet. Ideally the report will be presented in Arial 12pt font with 1.5 lines spacing.
When complete students must submit BOTH a printed hardcopy and electronic copy to Blackboard Safe Assign by the due date. The percentage matching on Safe Assign is expected to be less than 20%.
Students must also show adequate evidence of additional research with at least 15 – 20 academic reference sources provided.
Assessment Criteria • Report structure, written presentation and excellence (3 marks) • Application of Knowledge and course concepts (3 marks) • Analytic and research skills shown (8 marks). Made up of:
• Understanding the differences in the structure of each market • Estimation of potential size and profitability of each market • Analysis of potential problems in selling to and supporting each market • Analysis of future developments • Consideration of foreign exchange and trade implications • Consideration of cultural aspects impacting entry • Conclusion, recommendation and strength of overall arguments (3 marks)