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July 19, 2020

Group Experience Paper

Order Description
The subject area is SOCIAL WORK. carefully reveiw attached rubric
This paper will elaborate on the principles of group process as experienced in class. There are two components to this paper. The entire paper should be 6- 10 pages. The first portion will be analysis of your group using the information that you have garnered from your textbook readings, lecture, and class discussion. The second portion is a reflection on your experience in the group. The paper should have a thoughtful conclusion.Analysis of the group (3-5 pages):
1. Type, purpose, goals, composition of group
2. Role of facilitator
3. What roles and norms emerged in the group?
4. Was your group effective? How did you evaluate effectiveness?Personal reflection (3-5 pages):
1. Your experience as both a leader and a member of the group
Analysis and reflection of the group activity (6 points total)6 Points Comprehensive description of the following: purpose of group, process v. product, composition of the group, role of the leader/decision making process, norms/roles, and group effectiveness; includes clear discussion of your personal observations Points =
5 points Good description of the of the following: purpose of group, process v. product, composition of the group, role of the leader/decision making process, norms/roles, and group effectiveness; some lack of clarity when describing your personal observations
4 Points Good description of the of the following: purpose of group, process v. product, composition of the group, role of the leader/decision making process, norms/roles, and group effectiveness, but one area is missing; OR personal observations were not adequately discussed
3 points Adequate description of the of the following: purpose of group, process v. product, composition of the group, role of the leader/decision making process, norms/roles, and group effectiveness, but two areas are missing; OR one missing area AND personal observations were not discussed
2 Points Description of the of the following: purpose of group, process v. product, composition of the group, role of the leader/decision making process, norms/roles, and group effectiveness had two or more missing areas and the discussion was unclear or incohesive, including the discussion of your personal observations
1 Point Analysis was unfocused, unclear, and did not fulfill the most of the requirements for this portion of the assignmentPersonal reflection of the group (8 points total)8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points Points =
Personal observations and reflections including a clear description of role as a member and as a leader are comprehensively explored. Discussion could include thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, transference or counter-transference reactions, and group dynamics and progression. Personal reflection adequately addressed. May lack exploration of either member or leader experience. Personal exploration minimally addressed on both experiences as member and leader. Personal reflection lacked depth, insight, or substance.Conclusion (4 points)4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Points =The group experience, as both leader and member, is summarized in comprehensive fashion; learning was clearly articulated and covered the areas of self, group process, and leadership. One component needed some further development; overall, the discussion was clear and well written Conclusion needed further development to be complete OR one component was completely missing Conclusion did not tie learning and experience. Components needed further development to be complete OR one component was completely missing; AND the discussion was not clear or well written overall
References , overall writing, APA style (4 Points total)4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 point Points =
Paper is very well written, organized in accordance with the assignment, coherent and logically progresses with no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Paragraphs and sentences are well developed and clear. APA style and format is used correctly throughout the paper. Paper is well written, organized in accordance with the assignment and with few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Paragraphs and sentences are developed. Only minor problems with APA style and format. Paper is generally well written, but lacks coherency, some problems with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Some lack of clarity. Most of the paper uses correct APA style and format. Paper is not very well written. Many problems with grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation. Many problems with APA style. No page numbers for direct quotes.
Comments:Total: _______/22