Government incentive that reduces the federal taxes Academic Essay

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Government incentive that reduces the federal taxes Academic Essay

Do you think that Google would have invested in the two North Dakota wind energy projects if they
did not receive tax credits (a government incentive that reduces the federal taxes that they owe)? Why
or why not?
b. Besides tax credits, what are some of the other benefits that Google could obtain by investing in the
wind energy projects?
c. Based on this article, do you think that it is wise for Google to continue investing in potential future
renewable energy projects given that their core successful business model is based on web searches
and not providing energy?

Search the web for an article that discusses an action that a company took that benefited the
environment or others outside of the company and that also had a financial benefit for the company. Be
prepared to discuss what the action was, the financial benefit the company achieved by taking action, and
how that action led to the financial benefit.
2. Some have argued that the purpose of a business is to earn a profit and that is its only goal. Do you
agree with that? Discuss what you feel are some pros and cons of a business expanding its focus to
consider the effect of its actions on “people” and “planet.”

Do you agree or disagree with the statement “an open system is sustainable while a closed system is
not”? Come up with specific examples to support your assertion.

. Do you agree with Milton Friedman’s profit-driven philosophy that the purpose of business is to earn
a profit and that should be the sole focus of business, with government being responsible for social and
environmental issues? Why or why not?
2. Search the web for an article that provides an example of a business that implemented a social or
environmental practice that had negative economic impact on the company. Search the web for an article
that provides an example of the business that implemented a social environment of practice that had a
positive economic impact on the company. Why do you feel the company with a practice that has a
negative impact on the company experienced that result? Based on these two articles, do you think that
companies should be concerned with sustainability?
3. It can be challenging to think of operating a business with a systems perspective. Think of one
example of a sustainability practice that incorporates elements of a systems perspective. Describe the
internal and external environment and the linkages between the two and what healthy practices meet
the criteria of being considered sustainable.

. Identify a company, other than Stonyfield, that takes a strategic approach to sustainable business
practices. Describe the strategic approach by the company and its benefits for the company.
2. Read a couple of articles that describe Six Sigma. Discuss the qualities of this management strategy
that lead it to be considered sustainable. If Six Sigma is a successful sustainability strategy for business,
what might be some barriers to wider adoption by companies?

3. What are some of the pros of considering the stakeholder approach as a sustainability strategy?
What are some of the drawbacks of considering the stakeholder approach as a sustainability strategy?
Provide some examples of how a small business might integrate the stakeholder approach into its
business practices to make it more sustainable.

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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions