The Last Wolf
October 19, 2020
Incident Control Logs
October 19, 2020


Google Company is an outstanding internet service provider in the globe. Having been started by the two co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, the company has grown to serve people many people around the globe with more than forty thousand employees. From its dorm room and garage in California to headquarters in mountain view referred by many as Google plex to more than seventy offices and more than forty countries in the globe. Its management team involves the most experienced technology professionals in the world. Besides efforts to meet the customer satisfaction needs, environmental sustainability is among the core concerns of Google Company. Environmental sustainability defines company’s commitment for A better world (Atkinson, Dietz & Neumayer, 2007).

The company aims at minimising environmental impact of the services it provides. It is always in the look out of new ways to aid in reducing environmental impact. Among initiatives in place include the use of data centres that save energy. Google data centres are the most efficient in the globe. They use about fifty percent of energy of most other centres. This company investment has led to design of efficient data centres day in day out. The rating on Google Company reveals of very minimal electricity use of less than 0.01% (Marshall & Johnston, 2010). It led to the Google being the first internet service company to gain external certificate of high environmental and energy management standards.

Utilization of renewable energy is one of the company’s goals that have seen its fulfilment. It aims at using the available resources within the company sufficiently to supply renewable power for the company’s operations and even for the benefit of other people. Thewind and solar energy are  harnessed by the company to for use near its data centres. Google Company has also been active in funding several wind and solar generation projects in the world. The company’s management team has also enabled partnerships with other bodies in a  provision of clean energy at competitive prices.

The Carbon offsets have been set by the company and it is an achievement mark of its zero climate impact goal. It has enabled the company minimise impact on climate change. The company has invested in projects that minimise carbon emissions from other sources outside google. It includes the commitment of the company in paying for the reduction in emissions from a landfill near a data centre. The company’s products are carbon neutral products.

There are challenges that have faced the company that has come along with its efforts to ensure environmental sustainability. The desire to reach several parts of the world has received obstacles as some communities do not embrace changes. It has has experienced in cultures that are not ready to cope up with changes and need for information. As a result, this has slowed down its penetration to many localities in the globe. Political influence has had a drag behind impact in other nations. However, the company has put in place strategies achieve its goals.

Strategies put in place by the company in its commitment to environmental sustainability include the ability to recycle electronic equipment instead of disposal. The company enhanced green commuting involving its operations by providing biodiesel shuttles that are used by the company. It has even gone to partnerships with farmers and suppliers in promotion of green environment. Levinson &Horowitz (2010), argue that community participation is vital. The company now aims at more innovations and full community participation in environmental sustainability.


Atkinson, G., Dietz, S. & Neumayer, E. (2007). Handbook of Sustainable Development. The Economist Journal. Retrieved from instant&ion=1&espv=8#q=ISBN+of+The+Economist+journal+environmental+sustainability+marketing

Levinson, J. & Horowitz, S. (2010). Guerrilla marketinggoes green winning strategies to improve your profits and your planet. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

Marshall, G. & Johnston, M. (2010).Marketing Management. New York Times. Retrieved from