Historians have long debated whether the issue dividing the North and the South before and during the Civil War was essentially political ( states’ ri
June 2, 2020
Critique and Comparison
June 2, 2020

Gone by Gone

Immanuel Kant developed a moral theory that is still very influential today. Anyone who accepts Kant’s moral theory rejects the view that a person’s actions are good or bad based solely on the consequences of those actions. Instead, Kantians emphasize that a person is praised or blamed for their actions based on the intentions with which they act. In other words, the person’s motives are the major factor in determining whether that action is moral. According to Kantians, actions done in accordance with the categorical imperative are moral actions (and the person who performs such actions is a moral person). This imperative makes moral judgments similar to scientific ones because the proper behavior is supposed to be objectively recognizable through the use of reason. Kant’s theory also emphasizes the importance of duty.