PART 6 of 6: BUSINESS GOLF JOURNAL 40/130 points
Purpose: As a part of the business golf plan assignment, students are to create a Business Golf Journal. Students
will obtain the information needed to complete this assignment as they prepare for and participate in the Business
Golf Outing on Friday, April 29, 2016.
Part 1 of 4 of the Business Golf Journal: REPORT ON YOUR BUSINESS GOLF EXPERIENCE
? Business professional’s name, title, company and contact information
? Describe two (2) things you learned about your business professional during the outing
? Describe two (2) business related conversation topics discussed during the outing
? Describe two (2) non business related conversation topics discussed during the outing
? Describe one (1) memorable event that occurred during the outing
Part 2 of 4 of the Business Golf Journal: REVIEW YOUR BUSINESS GOLF PLAN
? Restate your business golf objective(s) and indicate if you achieved your objective(s)). Why/why not?
? Did your golf skill level enhance or detract from your business golf objective(s)? Why/why not?
? In order to be comfortable enough for you to initiate conversation, did you have enough information about
your golf partners? In other words, did you do enough research prior to the outing? Explain why or why not.
? Were you accurate in identifying your benefit to your golf partners? Why/why not?
? Did you achieve your conversation strategy? Why/why not?
? How could you improve your conversation strategy? Explain.
Part 3 of 4 of the Business Golf Journal: EVALUATE YOUR BUSINESS GOLF PROFESSIONAL
? Did your business professional demonstrate good golf etiquette? Why/why not?
? Did your business professional demonstrate good conversation skills? Why/why not?
? Did your business professional demonstrate proper cell phone use? Why/why not?
? Should this business professional be invited to future business golf outings? Why/why not?
? Evaluate the golf course. What changes would you make if you were hosting this event?
? Evaluate the facilities/banquet facilities. What changes would you make if you were hosting this event?
? Evaluate the food. What changes would you make if you were hosting this event?
? Evaluate the registration process. What changes would you make if you were hosting this event?
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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions