September 16, 2020
Six Sigma process improvement
September 16, 2020

Goals and Expectations


Entering this class has been a stepping stone to realizing one of my very major goals in life: to write business documents to the expected standards and formality. I have the zeal, interest, purpose and the dedication. These are the most important aspects I need in this class. On the aspect of the instructor, I hold the belief that they are here for the benefit of all the students. Here I review my goals and the strategies for achieving them.


Several aims compelled me to enroll for this class. I purpose that, by the end of the course, I will be an excellent communicator of business messages. I aim to be able to relay negative business messages in a positive manner. The third aim I have is to gain skills that will enable me to write business documents with a smooth flow of ideas. I also have a special objective, which is to gain the skill to write convincing business proposals. I am also purposing at writing PowerPoint presentations that are not boring, and that deliver messages well.

Strategies for achieving the goals:

I am planning to interact fully with all the course materials, the fellow students, and the instructor in order to grasp as much as possible. To enhance understanding, I will read and practice widely. Doing all the assignments will be a priority for me. Lastly, I will be consulting whenever necessary.

Expectations from the instructor:

I expect that the instructor will be cooperative and dedicated to assisting the learners. I also expect that they will select and provide the best materials for the course. I am also looking forth towards the availability of the instructor for consultations and timely responses for our queries.


To wind up, I believe I will meet my objectives by the end of the learning. Dedication and interest on my part and the part of the instructor will help me greatly.