United Arab Emirates
July 15, 2020
Using technology in learning
July 15, 2020


In this section of the assessment you need to write a 800-1000 words concise paper critically evaluating the key developments and issues highlighted in
your chosen article.
You need to choose form one of the three articles below and your choice of article must be highlighted on your paper:

1. 2. 3.
Farndale, E., Pai, A., Sparrow, P., and Scullion, H. (2014) ‘Balancing individual and organizational goals in global talent management: A mutual-benefits perspective’, Journal of World Business, 49, 204:214. Collings, D. (2014) ‘Integrating global mobility and global talent management: exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities’, Journal of World Business, 49, 253:261.
Cerdin, J., and Brewster, C. (2014) ‘T alent management and expatriation: Bridging two streams of research and practice’, Journal of World Business, 49, 245:252.
The structure of your work should include the following:
a) Introduction .

b) Main body of discussion including critical analysis and evaluations
c) A conclusion
Your work should be in essay format with an introduction, discussion section in which you make critical evaluations and a conclusion at the end. You should reference using the Harvard referencing style and include a full reference list at the end of your work. It is not necessary to include a bibliography. Appendices should be kept to a minimum.
Please remember that a smaller number of well made, thoroughly evaluated critical arguments will attract a higher grade than numerous shallow and descriptive points.
You must refer to appropriate academic literature sources, books and journal articles to support your writing. DO NOT RELY ON WEBSITES. Everything must be fully referenced using the Harvard Referencing system and listed in the reference section of your report.
Continuous engagement with the course material is compulsory in order to obtain a pass grade on this module.