Production Report Academic Essay
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020

global religion

: global religion

Order Description
Students will create their own religion. Working in a TEAM of four they will brainstorm and come up with ideas about a new religion that will relate to new global changes and conditions. “Money-ism,” for instance, might focus on the worship of the almighty dollar. Or students could show how an existing religion adapts to cultural encounters and new ideas– for example, “Cyber-Judaism.” Each student will write a PAPER that focuses on one aspect of the religion the team creates, such as a) its symbol and beliefs, b) concept of God and sacred founders, c) rituals and worship, and d) organization and community. An individual’s paper should 1) describe this component, 2) show how it fits, 3) compare it with an existing religion, and 4) analyze how it is global (using ideas from lectures and readings). Each paper should be 4-5 double-spaced pages,
5. A description of the benefits to the community that the health care organization serves