Topic: Global Political Economy
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would like dot points on the main ideas that can help me with my essay. I need at least 5 key references. every idea needs to have explanations.
In the bottom case (7), you will need to explain or justify your response based on research and
evidence. I will be looking at the answer (for outsourcing/ in favour of privatising public markets, i.e.. prison, medical hospitals, health care etc.)
When developing your response, it is crucial to keep in mind that throughout this
course terms such as ‘freedoms’, ‘costs’, ‘benefits’, and ‘consequences’ have not been
conceptualised solely in economic terms, but have encompassed frameworks
including the social, political, and environmental, as well as economic.
Pleas use no earlier than 2008 references
7. Is Australian society best served by outsourcing
key public responsibilities to global corporations
or by the state retaining responsibility for such
prison services
asylum seeker detention
intelligence gathering
security services training, e.g.
Academi (formerly Blackwater)