:international business
May 18, 2020
Topic: compartive political systems
May 18, 2020


Create a cultural profile describing as many of your primary (unchangeable/present at birth) and secondary (changeable) characteristics as you can. This can be a list. Primary characteristics include: sex, age (birth year), height (at full adulthood), certain physical characteristics you were born with €“ color, appearance, etc., native language, sexual orientation, geographic region you come from, genetic intellectual abilities, genetic physical abilities, health, birth order, religion born into, ethnicity. Secondary characteristics include: occupation, educational attainment, geographic region you live, family composition €“ marital status, parent status, religion, appearance €“weight, physical features, learned languages, military status, etc.

Discuss the different ways you appear to others.

A-  How do you think you appear to others€“ colleagues in your workplace, people on the street, close friends and family?
B-  What do these different groups know or think they know about your values, your fears and needs? [1-2 pages, 50 pts]
