International Marketing
May 27, 2020
Film: Hoop Dreams
May 27, 2020

global outsourcing

global outsourcing

You are expected to apply the outsourcing theories, tools and techniques you have learnt in this module to a company operating in one of the selected sectors defined by the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC). The selected sectors for this coursework are as follows:

You are expected to investigate how outsourcing influenced and shaped supply chain strategy and supply chain processes within the company of your selection and to show its overall strategic and operational impact. Specifically, you are expected to:
1. Assess the impacts of outsourcing on the company’s business.
2. Assess the strategic outsourcing choice.
3. Assess outsourcing capabilities.
4. Assess the outsourcing/vendors options and selections.
5. Assess the risks and benefits for the firm from engaging in outsourcing activities.
6. Assess outsourcing relationships and partnerships.
7. Devise a plan to outsource a system or a process from a client viewpoint OR devise a plan to offer services from a vendor viewpoint (not both).
8. Provide suggestions and recommendations within a specific supply chain plan aiming for further operational improvements in connection with the use of outsourcing.
9. Analyse the legal challenges of your chosen organisation.

You are expected to write a 2,500 €“ 3,000 (excluding references and Appendixes) words analysis of outsourcing in the company of your selection. The assignment should be well-structured and should contain the following sections: Introduction to the organisation (no more than 500 words), a section related to each task listed above (nine sections in total), a Reference List, and Appendices (if appropriate). Where specific ideas, arguments, models, information, etc. are drawn on in your discussion, the author and date of the source text should be included in the body of your discussion. Follow standard Harvard Referencing. All quotations should be clearly acknowledged and sourced including page references. Full details of all source material should also be included in the Reference List.