This assignment requires you to undertake a community assessment within the City of Horizon in order to identify potential health issues for the community. In this assignment you are also considering the role of the registered nurse in primary health care.
You will present the assignment in a report format using the template provided.
The assessment is divided into two main parts – Part A & Part B
Part A: Community Assessment
Part A: Your task is to complete an assessment of the City of Horizon using the headings, biophysical assessment, psychological assessment, physical environment, socio-cultural features, behavioural features and health system. Please consider aspects of the points listed under each of these heading in your report.
1. Biophysical Assessment that outlines the demographic profile of the population. Include:
• Age profile
• Gender profile
• Ethnicity and cultural profile
2. Psychological Assessment identifying how the community is connected and its ability to respond to events. For example:
• Communication networks for example telecommunications and media (newspaper, radio, t.v. etc)
• Volunteer agencies
• Law enforcement
• Emergency services
• Social support services
3. Physical Environment that identifies features of the environment such as:
• Geography
• Population size
• Classification: remote, rural, urban, etc
• Climate
• Air quality
• Water source, availability and quality
• Sewage and other waste disposal
• Housing types and adequacy
4. Socio-Cultural features: This section relates to the way a community is structured and organised through a range of public institutions, resources and activities. Your assessment should consider:
• Marital status
• Family composition
• Education levels and facilities (formal and informal)
• Income
• Employment rates and occupation types
• Transport
• Leadership of community
• Religion
• Community groups and organisations
5. Behavioural features: This section relates to the interaction between community resources and the community. It includes patterns of consumption of community resources, goods and services. In this section consider:
• Access to goods and services
• Shopping facilities
• Sport and Recreation facilities
• Leisure activities
• Entertainment facilities
• Dining and eating facilities
6. Health System: In this section explore availability and access to health services. Include both preventative and illness services.
Part B: Identification of a potential health issue and the role of the registered nurse
Identify and discuss one (1) potential health related issue for the Horizon community and consider what role a registered nurse may have in addressing the health issue you identified.
References are to be listed in alphabetical order at the conclusion of the report as per UniSA (2016) Harvard Referencing Guide
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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions