July 19, 2020
Case Study
July 19, 2020

Global Issues

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This Statement:
Fast fashion companies deceive generation Y consumers through pricing and design strategies falsely promoting good quality products, prompting young consumers to purchase their merchandise, thus worsening the negative effects their production process has on the environment.Fast fashion processes such as. are bad for the environment. Though pricing and design strategies such as promoting low quality products as good quality, fast fashion companies deceive their consumers (how specific will your paper be in terms of the age of the consumers?), which motivates them to buy merchandise that they falsely believe is?Use the Chicago style for citations and bibliography.
You need at least six sources. You must limit your use of Internet sources, and you must include:
a. At least one academic journal article;
b. At least two books (one of your books must be an academic text, published by a university press);
c. Primary sources (actual period documents and/or objects); and
d. Secondary sources (writings about your topic by critics, historians, and theorists).