Ancient Africa and Andrea Primary Sources
September 17, 2020
Child Abuse and Neglect (Analysis) Academic Essay
September 18, 2020

Global Disability Rights

The disabled people have experienced discrimination in many aspects of life since time immemorial. Their disability was often equated as inability and hence viewed as lesser beings who could not be compared to the able bodied people. This led to the demoralization and lack of self-esteem by the disabled people. The UN thought it wasn’t right to discriminate against the disabled people in the society because above all they were human beings. They believed that if they put on a level playfield with the abled people they would be able to produce same results as the able bodied people or even better. This would mean coming up with special laws that would protect and provide them with equal opportunities as others in the community. They came up with laws that would serve as a guideline for countries to adapt.

The leader in the adaptation of the laws was the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) which served as an example of the practicability of the laws. Later other countries followed suit and adapted and some of the laws. One such country is Japan which apart from being a major economic and political power, has the third largest economy. It is way ahead of the other countries in terms of development so I deemed it as the most eligible country to be compared to the United States of America. some of the laws on disabled adapted by Japan include the disabled persons fundamental laws,support for independence and participation in society, health and medical care, education, employment, living environment, housing, income and tax(Persons)Japan ratified the United Nations Convention on The rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on January 20,2014 which was considered long overdue(Mayumi, 2014). They adapted laws on accommodation for the disabled. Section 2 of the CRPD states that the disabled people should be provided for reasonable accommodation which were adapted and implemented by Japan in such ways: arranging for sign language interpreters during public broadcasts, lectures and installing ramps at the entrances of buildings such as public offices and restaurants. Japan also adapted The Act on Employment which provides that private businesses should provide reasonable accommodation to employees with disabilities. The United States being a pioneer in the adoption of the rights of the disabled have made commendable steps towards fighting discrimination. The United States is actively hiring persons with disabilities and blocking the adoption of IT equipment and systems that are not universally accessible(Mayumi, 2014).

The United States and Japan differ in their concepts of law and their social environments. We can say that the United States is way ahead historically because of their decades of experience enforcing laws unlike Japan who were ratified only last year. Japan signed the CRPD in September 2007 but took more than six years to comply with all the conditions in order to be ratified. Japans ratification of the CRPD means that henceforth schools will be expected to provide reasonable accommodation based on individuals.The ADA covers four major areas: employment which covers job recruitment, employment and promotion by employers having 15 or more workers; public services and public transportation such as public schools, courts of law and healthcare; public accommodations and commercial facilities. The trend toward Universal access and equal opportunities has been rapidly gaining momentum in the other parts of the worldof the world and Japan has to put more effort to keep up.

In assessing the levels of disability in Japan through the use of ADA checklist, there exist possible setbacks. The main challenge would be slow progress towards gaining equal access to education for children with disabilities. The government has not stepped up to address negative attitude of the public towards the disabled and has instead to address the education of the disabled as a welfare issue which ought to be handled by non- governmental organizations (UNESCO, 2009). This is same attitude is being experienced in the employment sector.The world is doing well in terms of providing reasonable accommodation to the disabled employment for the disabled and also in adapting sports for the disabled (para-sports). Much has to be done like in terms of offering equal employment opportunities to everyone as even with the adaptation of the CRPD, the number of employed disabled people still remains dismal.

Inclusion builds resilience is a message from the disabled. Sports and recreation contributes to the well-being of all people and helps breakdown the barriers that once stopped people with disability from participating(Australia, n.d.) There is nothing more involving than sports. It fosters unity in a society because when the disabled are allowed to participate in sports they feel included.Many Countries across have done a lot to promote sports among the disabled but more has yet to be done. The Government should in ensuring organizations can met the needs of people with disability, their family and carers, should provide funding and consultancy services to support the modification of programs so that everyone can participate. This will be one more step towards promoting inclusion and equal rights.

In conclusion ADA serves as a checklist for the adaptation of the rights of the disabled and could be place way ahead of other countries in matters pertaining to the advocating for the rights of the disabled. Though the US also faces some challenges towards the implementation the laws it is still way ahead of the others. Japan has made commendable steps towards the adaptation of the rights but the negative attitude towards the disabled by the citizens of Japan, which the government does nothing to address is a major setback. Unless they stop addressing issues pertaining to the disabled as welfare issues not much change will be experienced.


Australia, G. o. (n.d.). People With Disability. Retrieved from Department of Sport and Recreation:

Mayumi, S. (2014, 10 2). The Long Road to Disability Rights in Japan. Retrieved 3 30, 2015, From Your Doorway to Japan:

Persons, J. S. (n.d.). The 30 Selected Japanese Laws Related to Persons with Disabilities. Retrieved from Disability Information Resources:

UNESCO. (2009). Towards Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities. Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok.

Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund. (2015, January 15). Retrieved March 25, 2015, from