global arms trade treaty.
The coursework assignment for this module is an individual assignment worth 25% of the overall module mark. An assignment plan must be submitted before the individual assignment and will be worth 5% of the overall module mark.
Coursework Brief
Check out the following Amnesty International news article:
Provide a report, which evaluates the likely impact of the ratification of the global arms trade treaty.
Note: the topic of the coursework may change along with the progression of the lectures.
Key Marking criteria will include:
• Initiative: originality, innovativeness of answer?
• Assignment Structure: clarity of aims, objective, structure and presentation?
• Quality of Writing: Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely?
• Quality/Scope of Literature Review: Understanding of established knowledge?
• Suitability of Literature: Use of suitable sources, focused to answer key research aims
• Literature Analysis: Quality/level of analytical skill demonstrated?
• Insightfulness of Analysis: Interest and usefulness of findings, conclusions drawn.
• Understanding: Assignment demonstrates students have understood key topics?
• Overall Quality of Assignment