Forensic Psych Lit Review
December 16, 2019
Environmental Sociology
December 16, 2019

Glass Ceiling

Glass Ceiling


For this assignment, you will study one keyword for an imagined book titled Keywords: A Vocabulary for Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Communication. Your research on this keyword will culminate in the form of a six-page (double spaced) keyword entry. Your objective in this entry is to trace and describe, with at least one reference from course readings and three scholarly references from beyond, (1) how different scholars have utilized this keyword, (2) some of the debates and disagreements to which the term has given rise, and (3) how those debates and disagreements shed light on the significance of that term for understanding gender, ethnicity, and race.

You will be graded on your comprehension of the key arguments/themes
related to your keyword that you choose to write about and on your expression
of critical and analytical ideas in writing. Hand in on time an edited correctly
cited, grammatically correct, double spaced, properly margined, 12 point Times
New Roman paper with your name on it. (I do not care which citation format
you follow—e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago etc.—as long as it is consistent

***Please reference the attached file in the essay (at least one paragraph)