December 22, 2019
December 22, 2019




This module examines glacial processes and features. Topics includecontinental and alpine glaciation, ablation and accumulation, cirques, drumlins, kettles, kames and moraine. While these topics may appear to be disparate, you will learn how they are inherently related.The modules start with five opening topics, or vignettes, which are found in the accompanying Google Earth file. These vignettes introduce basic concepts of the glacial processes and landforms. Some of the vignettes have animations, videos, or short articles that will provide another perspective or visual explanation for the topic at hand. After reading the vignette and associated links, answer the following questions. Please note that some links might take a while to download based on your Internet speed.

Expandthe INTRODUCTION folder and then check Topic 1: Introduction.

ReadTopic 1: Introduction.

Question 1: What are some uses of freshwater from glaciers?

A. Agriculture

B. Industry

C. Tourism

D. All of the above

Read Topic 2: Types of Glaciers.

Question 2: What is the semi-circular feature at the far left of the image?

A. Drumlin

B. Lateral moraine

C. Terminal moraine

D. Medial moraine

Read Topic 3: History within Glacial Ice.

Question 3: Within the snow, do colder temperatures result in higher or lower concentrations of light oxygen (16O)?

A. Higher, because there is more energy to lift 18O out of the ocean

B. Lower, because there is more energy to lift 18O out of the ocean

C. Higher, because there is less energy to lift 18O out of the ocean

D. Lower, because there is less energy to lift 18O out of the ocean

Read Topic 4: The Global Retreat and Advance of Glaciers.

Question 4: What happened to the Peterman Glacier on Aug 5, 2010?

A. Satellite imagery notice the glacier was actually advancing

B. A large mass of the glacier broke off the main glacier

C. Icebergs were spotted calving

D. An ice dam created by icebergs broke unleashing 3 million cfs of water

Read Topic 5: Human Reliance on Glaciers for Water.

Question 5: What was the peak discharge on August 14, 2002?

A. 97 cfs

B. 3.9 million cfs

C. 1.9 million cfs

D. 145,000 cfs

Collapse and uncheck INTRODUCTION.


Expand GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE and then double-click and select Major World Glaciers.

This map shows the location of major glaciers (in blue) throughout the world. At present, glaciers cover approximately 10 to 11 percent of the surface of the Earth. Many cities depend on glaciers as their source of water.

Double‑click Question 6. When you arrive at your destination, find the information to fill in the blanks below. Repeat this for Questions 7 and 8:

Question 6:


A. Lima

B. Buenos Aires

C. Santiago

D. Bogotá


A. 7.2 million

B. 2.7 million

C. 3.6 million

D. 4.5 million

Glacier(s) located which direction from city:

A. North

B. East

C. West

D. South

Question 7:


A. Bhutan

B. Lhasa

C. Katmandu

D. Tibet


A.2.7 million

B. 4.3 million

C. 1.9 million

D. 4.5 million

Glacier(s)located which direction from city:

A. North

B. West

C. East

D. South

Question 8:

Glacier: Atetsch

Latitude and Longitude (degrees only):

A. Latitude 46 °N, Longitude 8° E

B. Latitude 46 °N, Longitude 8° W

C. Latitude 46 °S, Longitude 8° E

D. Latitude 46 °S, Longitude 8° W

Collapse and uncheck GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE

Figure 1.Glacier mass budget.(Arbogast 2nd Ed.).

Alpine glaciers are found in many of the world’s major mountain ranges. These glaciers are dynamic and flow downhill under the force of gravity. In many places, alpine glaciers are retreating as the snowpack decreases in winter months and mean temperatures increase during the spring and summer months.

Expand the ALPINE GLACIATION folder.Double-click and select Mass Balance.

This is the Klinaklini glacier in British Columbia, Canada. Along an alpine glacier there are two major zones, accumulation and ablation. The zone of accumulation(Figure 1) is located at higher elevations where temperatures remain cold enough such that snowfall exceeds melting over the course of a year. Conversely, the zone of ablation is located at lower elevations where melting exceeds snowfall. The red line in the middle represents the equilibrium line, where snowfall and melting are equal over the course of a year. Farther down in the zone of ablation, and loss of ice by meltwater is evident.

Question 9: Where do we find the deep fissures in the glacier known as crevasses– in the zone of accumulation or the zone of ablation?

A. Zone of accumulation

B. Both zone of accumulation and ablation

C. Zone of ablation

D. Neither zone of accumulation now ablation.

KeepMass Balance selected, and then double‑click Direction of Flow.

Question 10:Explain the direction of flow of glacial ice, from the zone of accumulation to the loss of ice by meltwater.

A. The glacier flows downward from the zone of accumulation under the influence of gravity.

B. The glacier flows uphill as it melts

C. The glacier flows in a southern direction towards the equator

D. Direction depends on the amount of snowfall.