Germany’s role in the European Union

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September 17, 2020
Valparaiso University Law Review
September 17, 2020

Germany’s role in the European Union

The reunification of Germany was a very important step that brought together the communist Eastern Germany and the democratic Western Germany. The politics of today are directed towards the development of the Federal Republic of Germany and the country has settled in its status as a major European power. The country is now committed to the European integration with strong relations with the United Staes of America. There are a lot of policy changes since the unification as the country responds to the forces of globalization and Europeanization. The main methods of policies are related to consensual conflict-solving mechanisms and not the radical transformations as more reforms take place.

Unification of the Germans is not a bad ting although all the problems, especially in the East Germany, are yet to b solved. The rate of unemployment in the East Germany is twice that of the West Germany and the productivity and living standards lag behind. The unification appears more of the Western takeover than a normal coalition. The two, however, have a common goal of driving away communism and embarking on meaningful development plans to raise the peoples’ standards of living. The constitution promises a homogenous living standards and everyone including the politicians is striving to achieve

According to some commentators, the West has benefited from the unification especially on matters of globalization although some feel that it has incurred a lot of costs. The immigrants from Eastern Germany are boosting the GDP of the Western and are helping to foot the bill for unification. The labour from the East is also helping the Western businesses to be more competitive in the global world. Some Westerners think that the Easterners are the main beneficiaries of the unification with the young generation feeling that the initial stereotypes are outdated and should not exist in the modern world. The reunification has therefore made Germany an important member of the European Union as the two try to balance economic growth for both the west and East. The reunification is an example for emulation by the EU states to incorporate each other’s differences for the good of the union.

Germany’s role in the European Union remain important and Germany is a pillar although there ar few diplomatic roles of Germany in the Europe. Germans have also faced some difficulties in collaborating with important international ventures outside Europe such as their intervention in Afghanistan. Finding a place in the world politics is one of the German’s challenges as it compares its relevance during the cold war and now. Germany is currently facing a number of unification challenges such as uniform legislation and bringing justice to the former leaders of East Germany. Unification resulted to a population possessing different views on issues such as family, work ethic, and religion especially things to do with abortion, which was allowed in East Germany.

Germany today runs the European Union especially after the reunification and the introduction of the Euro. Germany is also supporting the international criminal Court and also is active in promoting a global climate change by cooperating with the interested parties to promote environmental conservation. Germany’s contributions in the European Markets is helping in stabilizing the Eurozone in addition to its participation in development programmes. Some leaders of countries like Poland consider Germany as a sleeping giant that should wake up and participate fully in international politics. Germany is also important in the promotion of the European foreign and security policy as many consider it as a role model. Since the two Germany territories can unite and work as a single country with common laws, it means that Germany can help in bringing other communities together politically, economically, and socially. Europe will be very strong with Germany participation in many of the economic and political sectors. Good trade relationships with the other European states will enable the growth of the EU market, as Germany is a pillar in the European Union. However, Germany has not contributed much to the leadership of the rest of Europe and in the international ventures that are outside Europe. Germans have many positive qualities that can help in building strong coalitions in Europe and globally. Such coalitions will help address some of the global issues such as economic development and international development among other things that Germany can assist in tackling. Unification has therefore made Germany to be appreciated and valued in Europe because of its effort to address challenges relating to the two territories. European nations think that Germany is a good example for the others to emulation to bring about national unity.

Germany’s participation in the European policy concerning civic involvement is of great value. Some of the policy issues are the European Youth Initiative in which Germany federal Youth Council and the Ministry of Family Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth cooperate in many ways. The European Movement Germany is one of the biggest networks for European engagement in Germany in which the member organizations bring together labor unions, non-profit and economic associations, political parties, foundations, and companies. The network is for improving German coordination of European Policy and communication, especially in politics. The network reveals the importance of the reunification of Germany in the European Union.

Germany federalism is highly valued in Europe especially on issues of European integration as for about four decades it has been the only federal state in the EU. Germany participates in the policy-making at EU level to unite Europe. The Federal Republic of Germany participates in the development of the European Union committed for democratic, social, and federal principles to the rule of the law and protection of the basic human rights. Germany is committed to the European integration and involves itself in the major decision-making, coordination, development, and management of the European policy.

The reunification of East and West Germany has made Germany be an important federal state in Europe. The European Union has high regards for Germany and feels that its participation in economic, social, and political affairs are important to the unity of Europe. Germany introduced the Euro as it currency after the reunification to be in the same level with the other members of the European Union. The country has the commitment with the European integration with strong relations with the United States of America. Germany participation in various matters in Europe is an evidence that the reunification made Germany be a normal state in Europe.