Involvement of Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Memory Deletion
March 20, 2020
Profit Financial Reporting
March 20, 2020

Geology times

Geology times

Pick an Epoch or Period in time from the geological time scale found below. You can do this randomly if you like or choose based on an initial search or interest. Now imagine you had a time machine that can transport you to this time period (you will also have to imagine you can tolerate the atmosphere etc.). If you want to do this for the oceans of the time then you will have to imagine you have a machine that can take you into the water to explore below the oceans? You will have to use some creativity. This will require a little bit of research on the net or library. Your book is also a great resource. When creating your story try to incorporate some of the information below.
??What is the world like at the time in general?
??What environment have you landed in?
??What is the climate like where you have landed?
??What kind of geologic structures or mountain ranges might you be able to see?
??Describe a walk (or underwater adventure) you take once you get to that time? What kinds of animals and plants might dominate the landscape or underwater world? What kind of geologic features might dominate the landscape?
??What were some of the major events that occurred during that Epoch or Period?