Business / Decision Modeling
May 14, 2020
character and nature of values,
May 14, 2020

Genetics (Drosophila)

all the information regarding my lab experiment you will find it in my PRACTICAL MANUAL P 53-63.Write a very short introduction (use one or two references other than the prac manual).
Here, you could talk about genetics in general or more specifically about Drosophila as an
experimental organism. As a link to the next section, finish the introduction by
explaining to the reader what the aim(s) of the prac exercise was. The last paragraph of
the introduction usually begins with: In this practical€¦’

Write out the Results of the F2 flies in table form, but place all raw data in an Appendix
and only show summary tables in this section. You only need to present your own data
(we will not collect class data).
In the result section, write out parent, F1 and F2 generations, using standard symbols
(don’t forget to define all the symbols in your write-up).
A Chi-square test for your F2 generation (either for males or females) will show how
confident you can be about your conclusion of the mode of inheritance in this cross.
Make sure you show your workings out for the Chi-square test, but again, place such
raw working out in the Appendix.

In the written result section, summarise your findings concisely.

In the Discussion, write a paragraph about the results. Do the results make sense? What
did you expect and why? Explain your expected and any unexpected results. Some of
this explanation may be speculation only.
Comment on your confidence in the data and how the experiment could be improved to
increase your confidence.
There is scope for bonus mark here for particularly thoughtful comments

The use of external references is encouraged for this write-up (be sure to cite and list
these correctly), but you should also cite and list the prac manual.