Gene present in liver cell in your body willremain essential

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Gene present in liver cell in your body willremain essential

True or False?

1. The genes present in a liver cell in your body willremain essential unchanged for the life of that cell. (I think thisis false because genes can change due to mutations, etc)

2. During the SDS-PAGE portion of 2-D electrophoresis proteins areseparated by their pIs. (This is false because during SDS-PAGE,proteins are separated by mass)

3. The proteins expressed in a liver cell in your body will changesignificantly over the life of that cell. (I’m not sure…I thoughtthis was false because proteins expressed shouldn’t change”significantly”)

4. During the SDS-PAGE portion of 2-D electrophoresis a proteinwith 400 residues 4% of which are lys will be well separated from aprotein with 200 residues 8% of which are lys. (I don’t knowhow to determine if this is true or false.)