Applied Macroeconomics
May 12, 2020
Academic Integrity
May 12, 2020

Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality
Paper instructions:
Source- Sociology, A Down To Earth Approach James M. Henslin 10th edition. Chapter 11 Sex and Gender
Discuss at least two areas of gender inequality as you studied in the textbook, giving your own examples.


Your discussion may be divided into three parts separated by spaces.
In your first paragraph, include basic facts, with statistics, about the two areas you choose to discuss.
In your second paragraph, give examples that apply to the two discussed areas of gender inequality.
In your third paragraph, discuss income inequality, relating your examples to the facts of the first paragraph, and providing your own comments and opinions.
It is advisable that you write your discussion on a MS Word document first, in order to be able to proofread it.