Order Description
This is a partly self-designed research project that is based on a Topic from the unit Gender in Everyday Life topic. It involves using the uploaded key theoretical
text and suggested reading in relation to the topic; buying into gender (socialisation & consuming): shopping, then incorporating short summaries of each into an
analytic essay in response to the broad question:
What might women’s “shopping disorders” (shoplifting and compulsive buying; being a difficult customer) tell us about the cultural construction of women as subjects?
Theoretical Reading:-
Bennett,D.(2005) ‘Getting the Id to Go Shopping: Psychoanalysis, Advertising, Barbie Dolls, and the Invention of the Consumer Unconscious’. Public Culture (Duke
University Press), vol. 17, no.1 (February 2005): 1-25
Suggested reading:-
Bamfield, Joshua (2012). Shopping and Crime. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
***********This two readings have been provided to you******************
This assignment comes in two parts:
Part One is the research essay plan which should be approx. 1300 words
Part Two is the research essay itself and should be approximately 2000 words including the revised essay plan summaries.
Part One – Two Summaries + short essay plan
Part 1 contains 2 sections with a total of 1300 words.
1) Submission of 2 summaries: (the theoretical text and the suggested reading) approx. 500 words each. The summaries should be in essay format (intro, discussion, and
conclusion). A summary is just explaining the author’s main arguments – we don’t want you to then offer your own opinion of their argument, a summary should preserve
the author’s principal themes and be given in a clear and concise manner.
2) An Essay Plan: The essay plan does not have to be in an essay format. It can be in point form (or long form if the writer prefers). The essay plan (the remaining
200-300 words) will be marked by how much detail and coherence it shows.
Writer should map out the main themes in their argument; they could highlight which additional texts they may be using and explain briefly why they are pertinent.
Writer could also highlight any issues that might be complex or difficult to resolve in their response to the essay question.
The aim of the essay plan is to show that critical assessment of the essay question has begun and that the proposed argument is heading in the right direction.
Part Two is the Final Research Essay itself and should be approximately 2000 words including the revised essay plan summaries.
• With this in mind I would suggest that Part Two contain a minimum of 3 references.