Gail Sheehy’s essay, “Predictable Crises of Adulthood.” Where are you on the developmental ladder?

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Gail Sheehy’s essay, “Predictable Crises of Adulthood.” Where are you on the developmental ladder?

based on your reading of Gail Sheehy’s essay, “Predictable Crises of Adulthood.” Where are you on Sheehy’s developmental ladder? Your assignment for the second essay of is to write a narrative essay, using specific examples from your life, to discuss your position on Sheehy’s ladder — how your life fits Sheehy’s categories or how it does not. Your thesis statement must CLEARLY claim your position on the ladder. Your essay map must present the three specific reasons WHY you make that claim.
Essay can be found in 75 Reading Plus 10th Edition


1. Paragraph 1: Introduction.
A. 3-sentence hook designed solely to capture the attention and interest of your reader
B. Your 4th sentence is to be your BRIDGE sentence in which you REFER BACK TO THE HOOK, clearly identify the work to which you are responding, clearly identify the author, and introduce your brass tacks (summary) section.
C. Brass tacks/summary section, in which you BRIEFLY SUMMARIZE the gist of Sheehy’s argument.
D. YOUR THESIS (next-to-the-last sentence)
E. ESSAY MAP (LAST sentence, which presents your three specific points clearly articulated)
F. Make sure this paragraph is exactly ½ page in length – nothing shorter, nothing longer.

2. Paragraph 2: Point 1. Be sure to use a transition word, phrase, or clause at the start of the first sentence. Also, be sure that the first sentence CLEARLY IDENTIFIES the SPECIFIC POINT you are discussing in this paragraph – and that is point 1 in your essay map.
Make sure this paragraph is exactly ½ page in length – nothing shorter, nothing longer.

3. Paragraph 3: Point 2. Be sure to use a transition word, phrase, or clause at the start of the first sentence. Also, be sure that the first sentence CLEARLY IDENTIFIES the SPECIFIC POINT you are discussing in this paragraph – and that is point 2 in your essay map.
Make sure this paragraph is exactly ½ page in length – nothing shorter, nothing longer.

4. Paragraph 4: Point 3. Be sure to use a transition word, phrase, or clause at the start of the first sentence. Also, be sure that the first sentence CLEARLY IDENTIFIES the SPECIFIC POINT you are discussing in this paragraph – and that is point 3 in your essay map.
Make sure this paragraph is exactly ½ page in length – nothing shorter, nothing longer.

5. Paragraph 5: CONCLUSION: Once again, be sure to use a transition word, phrase, or clause at the start of this first sentence. Your conclusion should be a work of art, not just a rote re-statement if your main points. Give the reader something to remember, to think about. End powerfully. Make sure this paragraph is exactly ½ page in length – nothing shorter, nothing longer.


1. This is a NARRATIVE essay – which means you are to write in FIRST PERSON
2. Never, however, use ANY FORM of the word “you” in this essay
3. No comma splices!
4. No fragments!
5. When you refer to Sheehy’s essay, remember to do so in PRESENT (not past) tense.
6. ALWAYS use correct MLA format.
7. Again, use CLEAR TRANSITIONS at the start of each body paragraph and concluding paragraph. Don’t just — boom — jump from one paragraph to the next with NO LOGICAL CONNECTION. You must have a TRANSITION SENTENCE that paves the way for logical connection, for COHERENCE.
Personal information to make this essayer for you to write.
1. I am 31 years old
2. I am married
3. I have 3 kids “2 boys, 1 girl
“4. Just finished first year of college
5. From Central Washington