March 17, 2020
Geology : Week 4 Deserts Lab Report
March 17, 2020

G135 Indiana Geology –

Topic: G135 Indiana Geology

using the Oncourse Wiki to create an online Indiana Geology glossary

for course. define and describe, a
A wiki is a collaborative tool that allows users to post and edit content on any topic to a webpage or set of
web pages. is a famous wiki – this site allows users to create and modify descriptions of
many terms to create an online, user-created encyclopedia. Allowing other users to comment or edit
content helps to mediate (but does not completely guarantee) the quality of the content posted.
The Assignment
For this assignment, you will choose any geologic term that is used in describing the geology of
Indiana and prepare a well-researched, well-written, detailed definition and description of that
term. You will be doing much more than just providing a few short sentences typical of a glossary or
dictionary. Instead, you will provide a detailed definition that may describe where it occurs, where it can
be found, how it occurs in Indiana, how it is used, specific examples, etc. Keeping this in mind, you don’t
want to pick a word too detailed—or you may not be able to find enough information on it.
You will need to choose a geologic term used in your textbook, the online notes found within the
modules, or the course videos. In addition to these sources, you can also choose a word from an online
geological dictionary, as long as the term pertains to Indiana. The Indiana Geological Survey has an
extensive website with lots of great terms! You will post your term choice to the wiki to “reserve” the term
you wish to research – directions are provided on page 2 of this document. Do this early to ensure that you
are not scrambling at the last minute to find a term no one else has claimed.
To research and fully define and describe the term, I will
expect you to locate and use at least three primary
resources that describe the term. These should be sources
beyond your module content, videos and textbook. A
primary resource is a resource written by a person or
organization with expertise on the subject. Examples
include geological surveys, government science agencies,
books written by an expert, in-depth news articles where a
primary resource is interviewed, and scientific peer-reviewed
articles. You should not use a secondary or poor quality
resource; you will lose a significant number of points on this
assignment if you do. Contact your classmates or instructor for
help if you cannot determine the quality of your resource.
A primary resource is a resource
written by a person or organization
with expertise on the subject.
Examples of bad resources include:
information from intro level textbooks,
personal websites (.com), short and
generic news articles, Wikipedia, online
encyclopedias, online dictionaries, and,
websites where the author or specific
organization presenting the information
is unknown or a non-expert.G135 Indiana Geology –
See Course Calendar for Due Date
You will use your resources to gather knowledge about your term. You will then synthesize and report
this knowledge in your final definition document. Do not provide someone else’s definition of the term; the
purpose of this assignment is to create your own description and definition. Keep in mind that you will
most likely be describing a term we have not yet covered in the course content. This is perfectly
alright and will allow you a chance to learn about an aspect of Indiana geology before it is covered in the
material! Consider this a “head start” to your learning!
You should not, under any circumstances, copy material directly from your sources into your definition;
this is plagiarism and will result in a zero on this assignment. You should also not use any quoted
material – put your entire description into your own words and thoughts to fully demonstrate your
understanding and application of your research. I am interested in your learning and how you best
integrate your research into a well-written definition.