digital media
May 13, 2020
Political Philosophy
May 13, 2020

Future Plans

Profile of firm

Ref. Description Response
1.1 Company age
1.2 Size (no. of employees/sales turnover)
1.3 Industry sector
Main offerings (try and get on-line brochures, materials etc)
1.4 Main Markets
1.5 If international, no. of markets
Percentage of sales as exports
Demographic profile of Entrepreneur
(Check and see if the entrepreneurs profile is on firm’s website or if he/she has a personal site. Do an on-line person’ search and media search)

Ref. Description Response
2.1 Age, gender, education, marital status, etc
2.2 Prior work experience/s
Worked for/owned another business?

2.3 Personal interests, specialist training, etc.
2.4 Other relevant/interesting information
Motivation to start business

Ref. Description Response
3.1 What factor/s motivated entrepreneur to start up
3.2 What levels of support did he/she get from:
Family & friends
Government agencies
Financial institutions (banks etc.)
3.3 What start-up barriers did they face?
(eg lack of finance/management expertise, etc
3.4 How did they overcome these barriers?

3.5 What challenges do they currently face?
Future Plans

Ref. Description Response
4.1 How has business changed/grown

4.2 What future plans do they have for the business
4.3 What future ambitions do they have for themselves
4.4 What do they consider to be the secret/s of their success

4.5 What advice would they give other potential entrepreneurs