Fundamentals of Association Management

May 10, 2020
Nursing Care Plan
May 10, 2020

Fundamentals of Association Management

Fundamentals of Association Management

Question 1
Nappi and Vieder in Cox (2007) suggest there’s a difference between what your members want and what they need.
a. What is the distinction?
b. Why is the distinction important with respect to the association’s educational programs

Question 2
The association’s membership manager was meeting with the research director to ask assistance in conducting a member needs assessment. During the discussion, the research director said that secondary research should be conducted first and primary research second.

a. What did the research director mean?
b. Give an example of secondary research and primary research in conducting the association’s member needs assessment.

Question 3
A new staff member was assigned to the Golf Tees Manufacturers Association’s for-profit subsidiary. Her duties included conducting due diligence associated with potential new products or services offered through the subsidiary. Describe three examples of the due diligence the staff member might conduct in her new role.

Question 4
If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying, Circus is coming to Fairgrounds Sunday, that’s Advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk him through town, that’s Promotion. If the elephant walks through the Mayor’s flower bed, that’s Publicity. If you can get the Mayor to laugh about it, that’s Public Relations. And, if you planned the whole thing, that’s Marketing! €“Author Unknown

a. Which marketing function would help determine which town the circus should select to set up its tent for business?
b. How might this marketing function be applied in an association setting? Give an example.

Question 5
a. Give an example of an ethical dilemma that might take place within an association
b. How might this dilemma be resolved?

Question 6
a. Why might an association choose to house its certification program in a subsidiary corporation?
b. Why might an association choose to house its for-profit activities in a subsidiary corporation?

Question 7
Why might it be difficult for an association to conduct a Level 3 evaluation of a popular seminar it offers?

Question 8
a. Offer an example of how market segmentation could be applied to membership recruitment.
b. Offer an example of how market segmentation could be applied to membership retention.

Question 9
At the first meeting of the Institute of Certified Golf Tee Designers, an affiliate of the Golf Tees Manufacturers Association, one of the board members recommended that the Institute contract with a psychometrician in an effort to possibly reduce potential liability issues associated with the certification program.

a. What is a psychometrician?
b. Describe a potential liability issue that the board member was suggesting.