From your search, identify bill of rights and which time period it is from and how it is significant to American history

Ability to think and persuade
July 12, 2020
Explain each stage of the management plan and justify your rationale
July 12, 2020

From your search, identify bill of rights and which time period it is from and how it is significant to American history

1. Use the Library of Congress website (

2. Search for bill of rights.

3. From your search, identify bill of rights and which time period it is from and how it is significant to American history


Assignment must :

1. Include one citation from Foner brief 3rd edition p214.

2. Be an American primary source or artifact.

3. Include the URL to the primary source

4. Be 1 page

5. Do not plagiarize and do not source from any other website. Use only

Give me Liberty 3rd edition ! and