Freedom Writers Movie Review

Modern Generation
September 16, 2020
Goals and Expectations
September 16, 2020

Freedom Writers Movie Review

The freedom writers’ movie is a positivist movie that aims at uplifting specific moral messages through the interesting characters featured in it. The movie stars Hillary Swank as Erin Gruwell who teaches at the Woodrow Wilson High school. She faces significant challenges in her career; where the students take the street gang life into the classroom context. She is portrayed as a strong willed character through the manner in which she handles the students; she shuns the horrors of racism through telling them the Holocaust, and rebukes their hatred for one another. Through her help, the students begin to change. The young teacher is also portrayed as aggressive as she pursues her course despite the opposition of her department head, taking a non-curricula course in her role as a teacher to bring a peaceful coexistence among the students.

The teacher faces a dilemma when the department head and her husband do not support her in her efforts. The husband wants to forget about the outside world once he is home, which she does not support. She finds herself in a state of choice between pursuing her interests in uniting the students first, or meeting the expectations of the department head and the husband. This does not however deter her mission as she unites the students and changes their lives through her teachings. Her values help the students by shunning their rivalry and referring them to the holocaust and the Jewish genocide by Hitler enabling them to unite and drop the rivalry between them.

In such a situation, the most appropriate course of action is to unite the students first as Mrs. Gruwell did. Helping them unite would significantly help the class by enabling them work as a group and set their goals with minimal rivalry.


[Review of the film Freedom Writers].Surname Reviews. Retrieved September 24, 2013, from < >