Foundations of Public Administration

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October 12, 2020
HIM Acquisition and Implementation Plan: Part One
October 12, 2020

Foundations of Public Administration

I. Foundations of Public Administration

II. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PREREQUISITE(S): POL 470 Foundations of Public Administration (3). The theory and practice of the administration and management of governmental operations; politics, policy and the bureaucracy. POL 670: A graduate level introduction to the study of public administration, covering substantive topics in the field as well as the political dimensions of public service and the ethical issues faced by government practitioners. Emphasis is placed on the development of the discipline as a field of inquiry. Required of all MPA students.
Prerequisite(s):POL 670: Graduate standing
III. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The student will be able to
A. Explain the social, economic, and political factors that affect how public administration is practiced in the United States.
B. Identify different values/perspectives that underlay the contemporary debate about what the public sector should do using which methods, techniques and processes.
C. Report the current size/scope of the public sector activities in the U.S.
D. Describe the various subfields of the discipline of Public Administration.
E. Analyze the contemporary practices and techniques used in the public sector to structure public task accomplishment, mobilize and use human resources, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of carrying out public activities, make decisions, and act ethically.