Foundations of Business Computing

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Foundations of Business Computing

COIS11011 Foundations of Business Computing

Profile information current as at 29€“2012 13:08

e-Course Profile All details in this course profile for COIS11011 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student). The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile. General Information OVERVIEW

Concepts and terminology of computer hardware, software, data storage and data communications are covered in this course. The course focuses on the relationship between computer technology and business organisations. Concepts covered include information systems development, use and management. Emerging technologies and their effect on how organisations do business are also covered. Practical work: Students will undertake practical work including word processing, spreadsheet, World Wide Web and database. Access to E-mail, Internet, and office productivity application software is mandatory. **STUDENTS WHO ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN OR WHO HAVE PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED COIT11233 ICT FOUNDATIONS CANNOT ENROL IN THIS COURSE.**


Level Undergraduate



There are no requisites for this course.


All on-campus students are expected to attend scheduled classes €“ in some courses, these classes are identified as a mandatory (pass/fail) component and attendance is compulsory. International students, on a student visa, must maintain a full time study load and meet both attendance and academic progress requirements in each study period (satisfactory attendance for International students is defined as maintaining at least an 80% attendance record).


Term 2 €“ 2012

Brisbane Distance Gladstone Gold Coast Melbourne Melior Noosa Rockhampton Sydney


This course has a website, within the Moodle system, which is available two weeks before the start of term. It is important that you visit your Moodle site throughout the term. Go to Moodle


Each 6-credit Undergraduate course at CQUniversity requires an overall time commitment of an average of 12 hours of study per week making 144 hours for the course.


Regional Campuses €“ [Bundaberg, Emerald, Gladstone, Mackay, Noosa, Rockhampton] Metropolitan Campuses €“ [Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney] Melior Campus €“ see your campus staff ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW

Assessment Task Weighting 1. Written Assessment 20% 2. Written Assessment 30% 3. Examination 50% This is a graded course: your overall grade will be calculated from the marks or grades for each assessment task, based on the relative weightings shown in the table above. You must obtain an overall mark for the course of at least 50%, or an overall grade of pass’ in order to pass the course. If any pass/fail’ tasks are shown in the table above they must also be completed successfully (pass’ grade). You must also meet any minimum mark requirements specified for a particular assessment task, as detailed in the assessment task’ section (note that in some instances, the minimum mark for a task may be greater than 50%). Consult the University’s Grades and Results Procedures for more details of interim results and final grades.

CQUniversity Policies All University policies are available on the IMPortal.

You may wish to view these policies:

Assessment of Coursework Procedures Grades and Results Procedure Review of Grade Policy Plagiarism Procedures Student Misconduct and Plagiarism Policy Monitoring Academic Progress Policy Monitoring Academic Progress Procedures Refund Excess Payments (Credit Balances) Policy Student Complaints Policy Use of Internet, E-mail and Computing Facilities Policy This list is not an exhaustive list of all University policies. The full list of University policies are available on the IMPortal.

Previous Student Feedback EVALUATION

Term 1 -2011: The overall satisfaction for students in the last offering of this course was 3.71 (on a 5 point Likert scale), based on a 13.98% response rate.


Every course is reviewed for enhancement each year. At the most recent review, the following staff and student feedback items were identified and recommendations were made.

Feedback Source Recommendation Maybe have a lesson on formatting of assignments, assessment one seemed to have a lot of this in it and not many people had done anything like that. Have Your Say Students will be more explicitly encouraged to make use of the help available from the Communications Learning Centre (CLC) when doing assignments. Perhaps making the set out on Moodle easier to see the tasks required for each week Have Your Say The weekly tasks in Moodle will be re-organised in point form for easier readability. The course needs to be offered more frequently on the Gladstone campus in order for students to receive the support they need. Have Your Say The weekend intensive mode used in Gladstone will be re-evaluated for whether it meets the needs of students.

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

1. understand the basic concepts and terminology relating to computer hardware, software, data storage, and data communications 2. understand the networked economy and how information technology provides the infrastructure for this new economy 3. discuss the human factors associated with the use of computerised information systems, including managerial, ethical and social considerations 4. describe the effect that information systems and organisations have on each other 5. describe how information systems are acquired and developed 6. apply the knowledge acquired for points 1 to 5 above to other courses of study 7. utilise the Internet as a major source of information 8. complete microcomputer application software skills tasks requiring the use of electronic mail, Internet, file management, spreadsheet, word processing and database software 9. demonstrate report writing skills and idea formulation/presentation using charts, graphs, and presentation software. Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes ALIGNMENT OF GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES TO LEARNING OUTCOMES

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Introductory Level Intermediate Level Graduate Level


Graduate Attributes

1. Communication 2. Information Literacy 3. Team Work 4. Information Technology Competence 5. Problem Solving 6. Critical Thinking 7. Cross cultural competence 8. Ethical practice Term 2 €“ 2012

Learning Outcomes 1234

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Textbooks and Resources


Information Systems Today Author/s : Valacich, J & Schneider, C Year : 2012 Edition : 5th Edition Publisher : Pearson City : Upper Saddle River State : NJ Country : United States of America View textbooks at the CQUniversity Bookshop.

Note: The prescribed textbook includes an add-on called MyISlab . See the Course and Assessment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the course web page for further information.


You will need access to the following IT resources:

Internet CQUniversity Student Email Course Website (Moodle) Office software (e.g. Microsoft Office, Office, etc)

Referencing Style

All submissions for this course must use the Harvard (author-date) referencing style. Details can be obtained here . For further information, see the Assessment Tasks below.

Teaching Contacts

Course Coordinator Kenneth Fakamuria Schedule

Week Begin Date Module/Topic Chapter Events and Submissions Week 1 02-07-2012 Managing in the digital world 1 Week 2 09-07-2012 Competitive advantage using I.S. 2 Week 3 16-07-2012 I.S. Infrastructure 3 Week 4 23-07-2012 Computer hardware & software Technical Briefing (5th Ed: p478-497) Week 5 30-07-2012 Networking/Internet concepts Technical Briefing (5th Ed: p497-530) Vacation Week 06-08-2012 Week 6 13-08-2012 Web 2.0 5 Assignment 1 Due (16 12) 12:00 AEST Week 7 20-08-2012 E-Commerce 4 Week 8 27-08-2012 Enterprise I.S. 7 Week 9 03-09-2012 Business I.S/types of I.S. 6 Week 10 10-09-2012 I.S. security & controls 10 Week 11 17-09-2012 I.S. ethics 1 Assignment 2 Due (20 12) 12:00 AEST

Week 12 24-09-2012 Course review and exam preparation Review/Exam Week 01-10-2012 Exam Week 08-10-2012

Assessment Tasks


Assessment Title Assignment 1 Task Description In the first assignment, you will carry out a cost-benefit analysis on a proposed telecentre business. This analysis will entail comparing anticipated costs and anticipated benefits of the business. You will use two analysis techniques: Payback analysis to determine the period over which the business will pay for itself Return on investment analysis which would determine benefits as a percentage of total anticipated costs These analyses will be done using MS-Excel and through these exercises you will learn the following skills: How to use a spreadsheet with multiple sheets How to link data in multiple sheets How to use various in-built formulae How to organise data in a sheet How to generate graphs from MS-Excel data sets You will also learn to use Ms-Word as a tool for organising and presenting your ideas in a coherent manner. This assignment must be submitted online through the course Moodle website. The full specification for this assignment and the marking criteria are available in the course Moodle website. Assessment Due Date Week 6 (16€“2012) 12:00 AEST Return Date to Students within 2 weeks of the due date or within 2 weeks of submission (whichever is the later) Weighting 20% Referencing Style Harvard (author-date) Submission Online Submit by clicking appropriate assignment submission link on the course web page. WRITTEN ASSESSMENT


Assessment Title Assignment 2

Task Description In the second assignment, you will survey a number of selected topics in Information Systems many of which are emerging trends in the field. This survey will entail studying the selected topics from the prescribed text, carrying out further research on these topics and then presenting the results of your survey. Documentation of your survey findings will be done in Ms-Word. In this exercise you will learn to:

Use MS-Word as a tool for structuring and presenting your ideas in a coherent manner Use MS-Word styles and templates to structure your essay Carry out research on a topic, interpreting and presenting your findings Reference the sources of information you have researched