Foundations of American Experience

Dictatorship: Chronicles with Source Analyses
March 25, 2020
Accounting – Independent Developers
March 25, 2020

Foundations of American Experience

Paper title: Foundations of American Experience
Academic level: College
Pages: 7
Source amount: 4
Subject: Philosophy
Formatting style: MLA
Type:  Essay
Details: Hey, I’m a male and I’m from saudi arabia I’m taken a class (Foundation) and I’m ask to write essay and it worst 30 % of my class grad. So I would like you to do your best on it. Please be specific with your answer give more details to understand and it’s philosophy. This easy you need to read the file that I attach so you will write the essay so if the file doesn’t open with you let me know so i will send it to you again. The Book we use in class is ” Michael L. Morgan, Classics of Moral and Political Theory, 5th ed” I don’t know if you need it for incase. And this what the professor ask: Primary Document Essays: 30% of Final Course Grade) For this paper you will compare and analyze different primary documents of the same topic or historical era. You must summarize all of the documents. Also, you must compare and contrast them describing how they are similar and different. In addition, you will need to argue/evaluate which was the most effective/interesting document. You will need to consider the historical periods in which the articles were written. You should present your findings in an essay/narrative form (approximately 7 pages). Do not use lists or “bullet points.” All written assignments should follow the rules of standard grammar, spelling and punctuation. Although this is a history class, not an English class, learning to write fluently and coherently is an important part of your college education and will provide you with transferable skills you can use in the workplace after graduation. Primary Document Essay Specs and Layout: Double space, 12 font, Times New, Arial, or Calibri, 1” margins top, right, left and bottom, no footers or headers, use page numbers, staple the pages. Do not write in first person “I”. You MUST cite all sources using MLA citation. You do not need a cover page. I will not accept any papers via e-mail. Failure to follow any of these specs will reduce your essay grade by ½ a full grade.