Applied Macroeconomics
May 12, 2020
Academic Integrity
May 12, 2020

Foundation of Knowledge

Foundation of Knowledge
Response demonstrates a professional command of the subject matter.

The scholarly conversation about the topic is analyzed and synthesized; response shows how ideas are related. Response demonstrates above average command of subject matter.

Analysis, synthesis, or relationships among ideas are explored. Response explains some concepts, but overlooks critical details.

Analysis, synthesis, or relationships among ideas are not provided.
Organization and development of Ideas and/or arguments Major sections of response follow a logical sequence.

Organization within sections is logical and consistent.

If section headings are used, they are clear and logically placed.

Fully responds to each component of the questions. Major sections of response generally follow a logical sequence.

Organization within sections is basically logical.

Minimal responses to all components of the question. The structure of the response is unclear or relies on simplistic narrative.

Organization between paragraphs is difficult to determine.

If section headings are used, they are vague and/or, illogical.

Response does not address all the components of the question.
Writing Skills Response demonstrates an excellent command of grammar, spelling, and mechanics and is free of distracting errors.

Word use is appropriate and accurate. Response demonstrates a good command of grammar, spelling, and mechanics and has only a few distracting errors.

Word use is generally appropriate and accurate. May have a few misused words. Response has consistent patterns of error in grammar, spelling, and mechanics that must be addressed.

There are frequent, noticeable errors or inappropriate uses of words.
Citations In-text citations clearly and appropriately identify every author whose ideas are referred to, discussed, summarized, paraphrased, or quoted. In-text citations identify most authors whose ideas are referred to, discussed, summarized, paraphrased, or quoted. One or two citations are vague or inaccurate. In-text citations are generally inconsistent, unclear, misplaced, or missing.