Formulating Compelling and Searchable Practice Questions Assignment

SEM #2
June 17, 2020
show Unwrapped on Food Network or How It’s Made on the Discovery Channel
June 17, 2020

Formulating Compelling and Searchable Practice Questions Assignment

Formulating Compelling and Searchable Practice Questions Assignment

Order Description
• Please write five separate and brief scenarios about practice issues or problems experienced in the course of his/her practice within each of the five EBP-related domains (Therapy, Harm, Prognosis, Diagnosis, and Meaning/Human response)
o Each scenario should be no greater than one page in length
o For each scenario, write a foreground question (AKA the “burning question”)

• Write the foreground question in its related PICO(T) (see Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt test, pp. 30-37) format and specifically identify the PICO(T) elements of each question
o If one of the PICOT elements is not relevant to the domain of interest, list the element and indicate “N/A”. For example, the COMPARISON element is not often used in the Meaning domain and thus, would be N/A)
o T should only be included if there is evidence to support that time matters

• Specifically identify search terms (synonyms) for terms in each questions and perform a search for evidence using some of the identified search terms (provide which specific terms and search engine you used)

• Choose one research report you think represents best evidence and include it in your paper
o Tell why you think that research report represents best evidence to answer the PICO(T) question