Formulate a research question and hypotheses respectively assumptions that will form the basis for your research design

Finance & Accounting homewor
July 2, 2020
The topic is How was the involvement of psychologists in the United
July 2, 2020

Formulate a research question and hypotheses respectively assumptions that will form the basis for your research design

Research problem: Identifying a practical problem in an organisation
As a research problem you can choose from the following below:
ï‚· a practical problem of an organization you have previously been working for,
ï‚· a problem in a social enterprise for whom you have delivered a project (but not using your recent project from Project Team Dynamics ),
ï‚· an issue identified through relevant business press, e.g. referring to an article (or set of articles) in the Financial Times or Economist, or in business section of a daily newspaper, 


 an issue identified through different media e.g. a film. 
Research Problem, Context, Research Question and Literature 
You will formulate a research question and hypotheses respectively assumptions that will form the basis for your research design. This assignment involves the identification of a problem from management practice, a critical review of literature, and the formulation of a research question and hypotheses respectively assumptions depending on the research design.
ï‚· Identify a practical management problem.
ï‚· Include a section describing briefly the context of the problem your business case proposal seeks to address.
ï‚· Review relevant academic literature addressing the problem and set up a key article as THE MOST
