Various Criminal Procedure Questions
March 30, 2020
Murphy and Novitz hold the position that someone wrongfully injured by others should respond with resentment, which is protective of one’s self-resp
March 30, 2020

Formation of Groups

Formation of Groups

Students may choose to:

-work on this assignment individually or

-collaborate with other students (who are not external) and submit as

a group.

Regardless ofthe chosen option, the task, submission, and marking criteria are identical.

Formation of Groups

Students who

are interested to submit a group assignment are to organise among themselves into groups of 2-4 students each. That is, there can be 2, 3 or
4 members in each group. The Course Coordinator or Tutors shall NOT be involved in group formation. It is up to interested students to
organise this among themselves.

Group members are expected to work cooperatively and cohesively with one another. Each member is expected

to contribute an equal amount of work and effort. All group members shall be awarded equal marks for the assignment, regardless ofthe
perceived or actual contributions of each group member.

For each question below, a word-limit range is given. Students who work as a

group are expected to complete the questions close to the upper word limit. Students who work alone should complete the questions close to
the lower word limit.

There are two distinct parts to this assignment.

PART A (1000 – 1500 words): DlSNEY’S USE OF TECHNOLOGY

First, read

the case “Case Study: Walt Disney World Resorts and CRM Strategy ” available via eReader or via

It has been suggested that while technology

is an indispensable component of an effective CRM strategy, satisfactory encounters and interactions with a firm’s staff (i.e., human

beings) are equally if not more important than technology.

Do you think Disney’s use oftechnologies including Pal Mickey will

substantially enhance their CRM efforts. Why and/or why not?

PART B (1000 – 1500 words): Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the

Hotel Industry

Summer Palace Hotels is a five-star hotel group that operates in more than 50 countries around the world. The hotel industry

is experiencing the emergence of a new class of accommodation that attempts to position itselfbetween a typical backpackers’ accommodatio
and a full-service hotel. As an example, see Although they currently operate only five-star hotels,
Summer Palace intends to diversify into this potentially lucrative segment, which they name Summer Inn. However, they are unsure whether a
loyalty program is necessary for this business. Much like budget airlines, some ofthese new breed of hotels offer a loyalty program, while
others do not, presumably as a cost-saving measure in orderto keep the price low. State your arguments whether you agree OR disagree that
Summer Inn should have a loyalty program