Forensic accounting problem statement

Research paper entrepreunership
May 8, 2020
The Bloom Box
May 8, 2020

Forensic accounting problem statement

Assignment 5   Problem Statement and Research Questions
Review the NCU Guidebook Applied Degree 2013, the Doctoral Candidacy Resource Guide (DCRG), and the NCU Template Applied Degree CP 2013 documents in the NCU Dissertation Center.

Now that you have compiled an annotated bibliography on your topic area and identified multiple issues related to theory in the area, you are ready to develop a draft of the problem

statement and research questions that you will use in your Concept Paper.

Main Task: Develop a Problem Statement and Research Questions
Keeping in mind all you have learned about research design in previous courses, your instructor’s feedback on Activity 1, and ethical and practical considerations about the kind of study needed

to address the problem, write a problem statement and research questions based on the articles in your annotated bibliography. Follow these guidelines:
The Problem Statement should be 250-300 words that is in accord with the NCU Template Applied Degree CP 2013 document. The problem should be related to an issue you have already


Absolutely avoid one of the most common errors in problem statements (and literature reviews): reporting what previous researchers have done instead of using critically evaluated findings

from previous research to demonstrate the existence of a gap in knowledge appropriate to a dissertation. Your problem statement must use sources to show what we know and don’t know, not

what researchers have done and not done.

The Research Questions addresses the research problem identified in the problem statement and are in accord with the NCU Template Applied Degree CP 2013 document.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your

response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Submit your document in the Course Work area below the Activity screen.

Faculty Use Only ***Hi Carmen, This looks like a different assignment (annotated bibliography). Assignment 5 asks you to draft your problem statement: why your study is important and needed.

It also asks you to draft your related research questions: specific facets of curiosity that you want to answer or address in your research study.
Please recheck the assignment instructions for #5 and please let me know if you have any questions!

Dr. Mary Dereshiwsky          Grade Earned:      Writing Score:     Date Graded:

Problem statement and research question
Chew, W. (2010). An overview of forensic Accounting and the Role of forensic
accounting in investigations. Law gazette
Retrieved 6 June from
The author of the article is and established Forensic and Litigation expert whose contribution to the forensic account topic is renowned. The source is valid for the paper considering its in-depth

exploration of the topic in respect to business and management. The view of the author is applauded because of the definition, principles and responsibilities that forensic accounts have

towards business and management. The forensic accounts aspect of business and management focuses on the most vital ideas needed in money laundry and financial fraud committed in

businesses. The thesis of the topic forensic accounts aims to evaluate the necessity of the factor in business. The thesis of the literature is to establish an understanding of the forensic accounts

approach towards business and management practices. The methodologies employed in forensic accounts include legitimatized and investigative approaches to analyze data from financial

statements. The benefits of considering forensic accounts include the credibility and transparency of handling information. The information retrieved from financial accounts are analyzed and

evaluated in respect to the business practices. Forensic accounts steer the discovery of financial malpractice in a business allowing the business to correct the mistakes. Since it is a transparent

approach to financials of a business the aspect promotes excellence from the expertise point of view. The article underscores the significance of financial analysis through forensic accounts to

establish the misgivings in the financials of the business and its management.

Grant J. (2005).  Forensic Accountants: Why, When and How to Hire Them. HG Experts
Retrieved 12 March from
The author of the article is an experienced managing partner at the Arrow-fish Consulting and he gives insights to the forensic accounting techniques in business management. The general view

presented allows experts to evaluate and analyze the data in the literature review. The forensic accounts are defined as the mirror through which financial fraud in a business is examined and

determined. The process entails following of steps to achieve the objectives of the process. The role of the procedure in business management follows a simple identification of possible fraud

loopholes in the business. The steps generate questions on the evaluation and establishment of the case. Forensic accounts allow experts in business management to develop a hypothesis that

allows the experts to apply the forensic accounts knowledge to real situations. The methodology involved in the process includes identification of financial statements and possible financial

frauds that prompt forensic deliberation. The forensic deliberation allows the scholar to analyze the data collected from financial records and examining them from an objective point of view. An

overall view of the forensic accounts shows that the aspect of business and management. The process entails observation of all business practices entailed in uncovering financial fraud. Auditing

is an essential aspect of the procedure. Focusing on the possibilities of fraud all factors regarding financials of a business are taken into consideration. The purpose of the forensic accounts is to

bring into light the frauds in terms of finance committed in a business. The source is valid since it outlines the overall processes and causes of applying forensic accounts to financial analysis.

The article provokes critical bisection of the significance of forensic accounts in business and management.