Identify and define economic indicators that reflect the strength of the economy (e.g. real GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate, hou
September 26, 2020
Alfa Romeo, Google, or
September 26, 2020

Food and Shelter Programs

Food and Shelter Programs

Research Paper on a social problem related to a human services need that you are interested in addressing (10pgs).You must use at least 12 peer-reviewed articles to successfully complete your paper. Be sure to pay close attention to due dates and to properly follow current APA format. Seven of your articles must have been chosen within the last 5 years. Due by Oct 3, 2014 11pm est time.

You will submit various parts of the paper daily  The parts are listed below in chronological order with dates to submit:

Reference Page Rough Draft + explain why you pick this topic to do research on at least 150 words

Working Outline
(A working outline is used to guide you in organizing your ideas into major and minor topics. Using the examples provided, create a Working Outline for your Research Paper. For each of your subheadings, be sure to include quotations, statistics, or examples you would like to include in your paper. This outline will be a great use when you actually compose your final paper).
Title Page and Final Reference Page
( Create your Title Page and your Final Reference Page for your Research Paper in current APA format).

Wednesday 9/17: Rough Draft
(The Rough Draft of your paper must include 10–12 pages of content. Be aware that it is not necessary to include a title page, abstract, or references page for this assignment. Although this is an “early version” of your final Research Paper, it is still crucial to proofread your work and to pay special attention to your APA formatting before submitting it. Feedback will be provided on grammar and writing mechanics as well as on content. This is to provide you with some information regarding room for improvement).
(An abstract is a brief, self-contained, non-evaluative, comprehensive summary of the contents of your Research Paper. Create a formal APA abstract for your Research Paper. Be sure to include the following:
1.Why a reader may be interested in the Research Paper,
2.The main argument of the paper,
3.The types of evidence used to support the main argument,
4.The results of your research in regard to the main argument, and
5.Changes that could or should be implemented based on your findings.
Your abstract must be between 150 and 250 words. Also, be sure your acronyms are spelled out. Refer to your APA guide for help or the Additional Information folder).

Research Paper
(After completing your final draft, submit your Research Paper using the SafeAssign link. SafeAssign will help you judge the originality of your paper and avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism includes: a) failing to cite another’s work when you have used that person’s ideas, b) copying another’s work or just changing a word or two in a passage or phrase (even if you cite it), c) copying another’s work without appropriate quotation citation, or d) copying your own work without appropriate citation (APA Chapter 1, Section 1.10, p. 15-16). Utilize the grading rubric provided to ensure your work is following what is expected.