Fiscal Policy Paper Academic Essay

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Fiscal Policy Paper Academic Essay

Select an organization with which the team is familiar.

Write a 1,000- to 1,250-word paper in which you include the following:

Research federal government spending and taxes over the last 3-5 years (fiscal policy). Has total government spending increased or decreased? Explain. Have income tax rates increased or decreased? Explain.
Describe the impact of these fiscal policies on the U.S. economy
Describe the impact of these fiscal policies on your team’s selected organization.
Have other macroeconomic events impacted the economy and/or your selected organization? If so, explain.
What are expectations regarding the strength of the economy in the next 2 years?
Make recommendations for your organization regarding how to best compete in the expected economy.

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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions