WS 1 – Earth models, maps, and geospatial technologies(1) can you answer the questions
September 3, 2020
Critical analysis of how a project was/is being managed (select a project)
September 3, 2020


Explore the business cycle and economic fluctuations. You will also learn how to use aggregate demand and aggregate supply to understand what is happening in the economy. The special role of taxation, government spending, and import/export activities is also discussed.

Examine the role of money in the economy. It is important to understand how money is defined. We will also analyze banks and other financial intermediaries that impact the creation of money. The Federal Reserve (the central bank) and how it controls the money supply is also explored. Changes in the money supply have major impacts on inflation, output, and employment. Please review the following background materials:

Suppose the government imposes tax cuts for 95% of all households. How does this affect your firm?
To what extent is your organization’s financial health affected by fiscal and monetary policy? Please give at least one specific example.
As the session comes to a close, assess the overall financial health of your organization. What are good and bad signs, if any, in your assessment? Now, make a forecast for the future! How do you see your firm in ten years?

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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions